Past events

Fetal growth variation and global consequences

Lecture by Torvid Kiserud (UiB) followed by Q&A

Humanitarian Borders

Breakfast conversation with Antonio DeLauri (CMI) and Laro Gonzalez (UiB)

Surveillance, repression and forced assimilation in China

Breakfast forum conversation with Koen Wellens (UiO), Gerald Folkvord (Amnesty) and Adiljan Abdurihim (Norwegian Uyghur Committee) moderated by Ole Johannes Kaland (UiB).

Saudi-Arabia forklart

Kva er det med Saudi Arabia? Samtale med Knut S. Vikør (UiB), Anne K. Bang (UiB) og Magnus Halsnes (UiB).

Book Launch: Living Politics in South Africa’s Urban Shacklands

Kerry R. Chance (UiB) in conversation with Ingvild Skage (UiB)

The decriminalization of homosexuality in India

Vikram Kolmannskog, Jayna Kothari and A rif Jafar in conversation with Siri Gloppen (UiB/CMI)

No Poverty?

Sosina Bezu (CMI), Magnus Hatlebakk (CMI) and Alberto D. Cimadamore (CROP) in conversation with Aslaug Aarsæther (CROP).

Network Corruption and its Democratic Consequences

Willeke Slingerland (Saxion University of Applied Sciences) and Lise Rakner (CMI, UiB) in conversation with Tina Søreide (NHH, LawTransform)

#MeToo — Implications for Criminal Law?

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Tatjana Hörnle (Humboldt University of Berlin)

Toxic masculinity and hope in modern-day India

Torunn Wimplemann (CMI) in conversation with Harish Sadani (Men Against Violence and Abuse, India)

Right-wing populist parties and the future of democracy

Svein-Erik Helle (CMI/UiB) in conversation with Jonas Linde (UiB) and Leiv Marsteintredet (UiB)

Making professional decisions and judgments

Participants/introductions by: Asgeir Falch-Eriksen (OsloMet), Marit Skivenes (UiB), Karl Harald Søvig (UiB), Helen Stalford (University of Liverpool), and Anne Mette Magnussen (Western Norway University of Appliced Science). Moderator: Amy McEwan-Strand (UiB)

The Politics of the Headscarf in the United States

Meet Sarah Tobin (CMI), Aubrey Westfall (Wheaton College, Massachusetts, US) , özge Celik Russell (Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey) in conversation with Lise Rakner about this new book.

Yemen’s Huthi Crisis

Marieke Brandt (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna) gives an open lecture about the Tribal Factor in Yemen’s Ḥuthī Crisis.

Controversial Headscarf

Sarah Tobin (CMI), Aubrey Westfall (Wheaton College, Massachusetts, US) , özge Celik Russell (Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey) in conversation with the Bergen Student Society ( Studentersamfunnet)

The Social and Political Challenges of Migration

Migration is one of the major political issues in Europe today, challenging the cohesion of the European Union and affecting national elections. How should Europe handle the increasing immigration?

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.