
Upcoming events


Palestinians, UNWRA, and the international refugee system

19.02.2025 12:15 – 13:15

Who is who in the Middle East: What is UNRWA and why does its role matter?

Anne Irfan Pelle Valentin Olsen

Child playing in bomb shelter in Ukraine.

Russia’s forcible deportation and indoctrination of Ukrainian children

21.02.2025 10:00 – 12:00

The continuation of Russian colonial policies in Ukraine.

Svitlana Arabadzhy Yulia Ioffe Ingunn Lunde Gaiane Nuridzhanian Liliia Oprysk


Archeology, art, and literature for a new Sudan: Reimagining the past, rethinking the future

07.03.2025 12:00 – 13:00

Given Sudan’s apocalyptic present, it may be difficult to recall that not long ago a promising movement of democratic solidarity filled its streets.

Noah Salomon


Biodiversity conservation beyond market-based instruments?

20.03.2025 14:00 – 15:00

Conservation Basic Income — a novel non-market support for convivial conservation.

Rob Fletcher Aled Williams


China as provider of development finance

20.03.2025 12:00 – 13:30

China’s development finance and infrastructure development in the Global South.

Xiaoyang Tang Esther Song Aslak Orre Elling N. Tjønneland

Past events

Navigating queerphobia and anti-gender narratives in a politicised world

What strategies do queer activists and allies adopt and to what extent are they successful?

Revisiting territorial cohesion through the lens of queer rural life stories in Portugal

Guest researcher Pedro Fidalgo at Skeivt arkiv will explore his work on Portuguese queer history and archives.

Health care providers as petty sovereigns? Migration control and access to welfare

How do Norway’s welfare policies and immigration controls create confusion in the state’s response to irregular migration?

Who is who in the Middle East: Hizbullah and the many faces of ‘resistance’ in Lebanon

What is Hizbullah and who are its supporters? How did it emerge and what explains its strength?

Desegregating Czech education

How are Romani children subject to segregation in the Czech Republic and how is this issue of human rights being addressed?
Mozambique protest

Mozambique at the crossroads between democracy and autocracy

What are the implications of Mozambique’s post-electoral struggle in both regional and global contexts?

Oil fever: Animism and extractivism in Timor-Leste  

In the years after Timor-Leste regained independence from Indonesia, ‘oil fever’ took hold in the country.
Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre og den palestinske statsministeren Mohammad Shtayyeh.

Hvem er hvem i Midtøsten: Norge, Israel, Palestina og UNRWA

Hvordan ser fremtiden ut for norsk støtte til en palestinsk stat? Hvordan har Gaza-krigen bidratt til å forme norsk politisk debatt? Og hva vil skje med UNRWA?

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.