Rescuing the rescuers: Challenges in the Mediterranean

16.01.2019 13:00 - English

Frédéric Penard ( SOS MEDITERRANEE ) in conversation with Jack Olav Herheim ( Doctors without Borders ).

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During 2018 over 2775 people drowned on the dangerous migration route across the Mediterranean and into Europe. A further 46 796 were rescued offshore by NGOs, while the Italian coastguard saved 35 875. The civil rescue work has been spearheaded by the NGO SOS MEDITERRANEE, and their ship the Aquarius. The Aquarius has faced a number of legal difficulties, and most recently was left offshore in the Mediterranean while Spain, Italy and Malta negotiated who would take the refugees from the ship.

In this seminar hosted by
LawTransform we will be joined by
SOS MEDITERRANEE’s Head of Operations,
Frédéric Penard, who will speak about how the NGO ran the rescue operation, and the legal obstacles they faced. He will be joined by
Jack Olav Herheim from
Doctors without Borders who has worked extensively with different rescue boats. Experts (to be confirmed) on refugee law will consider how to assist the rescue workers in the face of authorities in Italy and Malta.

This seminar is a unique chance to hear from those doing the rescue work on the ground in discussion with those with an oversight of the legal issues.

All are welcome to this seminar! Tea, coffee and croissants will be served.

Event info.

Bergen Global
Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen

Add to calendar 16.01.2019, 16.01.2019

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.