Past events

Er det mulig å nå FNs bærekraftmål innenfor planetens grenser?

Foredrag med Jørgen Randers om hvorvidt det er mulig å stoppe klimaendringene og samtidig nå de andre bærekraftmålene.

MERK: Arrangementet finner sted i Café Christie, Universitetsaulaen.

Hotel Shatila: Architectures of encampment in Sabra, Beirut

Bjørnar Haveland, Are John Knudsen (CMI) and Kjersti G. Berg (CMI).

After the Uprising: A Silver Lining for Sudan

Abdel Ghaffar Ahmed (Ahfad University for Women), Munzoul Assal (University of Khartoum) and Mohammed Elhaj Mustafa Ali (University of Kassala) in conversation with Liv Tønnessen (CMI).

(How) Do Voters Discriminate Against Women?

Amanda Clayton, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University.

Justice done? How Cambodia is dealing with its past

With Ali Al-Nasani, Director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Phnom Penh.

Who can stop the president?

Presidential term limits in Africa and Latin America. With GIGA-researchers Charlotte Heyl and Mariana Llanos in conversation with Leiv Marsteintredet (UiB).

The Promise of Power

The Origins of Democracy in India and Autocracy in Pakistan. With author Maya Tudor (University of Oxford) and Michael Alvarez (UiB).

The Global South: From Recipient to Resource

Celebrating the International Day for South-South Cooperation.

The evolving political dynamics in Ethiopia

Implications for the greater Horn of Africa. Seminar with Dr. Abdeta Dribssa Beyene (CDRC/Ethiopia) and Lovise Aalen (CMI).

Kan Parisavtalen oppfylles?

Arild Underdal (UiO) om hvorvidt vi kan mestre befolkningsvekst, forbruk og teknologiutvikling.

Bergen Exchanges 2019

Themes for 2019: Natural Resources, Corruption, Indigenous Rights and Law and Technology.

Turkey’s foreign policy and the critical Istanbul election

With Hasret Dikici Bilgin (Istanbul Bilgi University), Mustafa Aydin (Kadir Has University), Metin Gurcan (Episteme Turkey), Siri Neset (CMI), Arne Strand (CMI) and Ståle Knudsen (UiB).

Climate Change and Migration: Frontline Challenges

A discussion with Maxine Burkett (UH Mānoa), Ann Singleton (WUN/IOM) and Edvard Hviding (UiB).

Peace in Afghanistan: Realistic Prospect or Distant Dream?

With Aziz Hakimi (University of Sussex), Kristian Berg Harpviken (PRIO), Arne Strand (CMI) and Torunn Wimpelmann (CMI).

Communicating Refugee Research

Ethical dilemmas and the pitfalls of policy relevant research. With Cindy Horst (Prio), Arne Strand (CMI) and Synnøve Bendixsen (UiB).

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.