Past events

Global Reproductive Governance: Challenges and opportunities

Lynn Morgan (Mount Holyoke College, USA) and Haldis Haukanes (UiB).

Climate-friendly, sustainable food?

Two presentations on food and the climate with Wouter Poortinga (Cardiff University) and Sara Hornborg (RISE), followed by breakout rooms and discussion chaired by Associate Professor Katja Enberg .


Amazoning Climate Governance

Catalina Vallejo Piedrahita (UiB) and Danielle Hanna Rached (FGV Law School, Rio de Janeiro) in conversation with Camila Gianella (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, CMI).


Towards a Better Understanding of Gender and Genocide

Annabel Higgins (University of London ) and Anna Gopsill (University of London and CMI ) in conversation with Espen Stokke (University of Bergen ) .

Vaccine Inequality

John-Arne Røttingen (MFA, Norway), Gagandeep Kang (CMC Vellore, India), Henriette Aasen (UiB, Norway) and Mosoka P. Fallah (Founder/CEO Refuge Place International, Liberia) in conversation with Esperanza Diaz Perez (Pandemic Centre, UiB) and Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (GRIP).

Book launch: Adoption from Care

Tarja Pösö (Tampere University), Marit Skivenes (UiB), June Thoburn (University of East Anglia), Lara Cortes (UiB/CMI), Jill Berrick (University of California – Berkeley), Jesús Palacios (University of Seville), Lene Printzlau Våmartveit (Norwegian Foster Home Association) and Kenneth Burns (University College Cork).

Ansvarlig næringsliv og Vest-Sahara: Vestland ett steg videre?

Rasmus L. Rasmussen (Naturvernforbundet Hordaland og fylkestingsrepresentant for Vestland Arbeiderparti) Therese Jebsen (Raftostiftelsen) og Asria Mohammed (Støttekomiteen for Vest-Sahara) i samtale med Erik Hagen (Støttekomiteen for Vest-Sahara).

Seminar series: China’s role in Africa: What now?

CMI and the Department of Comparative Politics (UiB) in cooperation with Bergen Global

The Role of Africa in Chinese Foreign and Development Policy

Yu Zheng (Fudan University) and Pippa Morgan (Duke Kunshan University) in conversation with Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr (UiB/NUPI)

Jemen-krigen: Den uløselige konflikten?

Cecilie Hellestveit (Folkerettsinstituttet) i samtale med Anne K. Bang (UiB)

Byutvikling og arkitektur: Har menneskerettigheter noe å si?

Thor Haakon Bakke (Byråd for byutvikling), Katrine Nødtvedt (Byråd for kultur, mangfold og likestilling), Maria Molden (Byarkitekt) og Laura Ve (Programleder, Utviklingsprogram for Dokken) i samtale med Jostein Hole Kobbeltvedt (Raftostiftelsen)

Global School Film & Reflections: Health

Ingvild Sandøy (UiB), Kjell Arne Johansson (UiB), Ana Lorena Ruano (UiB) and Astrid Blystad (UiB) hosted by Karen Marie Moland (Co-leader of the Health Pillar, UiB).

Nord-Irland forklart

Sissel Rosland (HVL) i samtale med Espen Stokke (UiB)

Global School Film & Reflections: Migration

Film screening of Mediterranea followed by a webinar discussion with Sine Plambech (Danish Institute for International Studies), Kari Anne Klovholt Drangsland (UiB) and Nando Sigona (University of Birmingham) hosted by Synnøve Bendixsen (Leader of the Migration Pillar, UiB).

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.