Past events

Bergen Summer Research School 2017

Join us for a series of open keynotes on global challenges during Bergen Summer Research School 2017.

Preventing Deadly Conflict in Ethnically Fractured Societies

International Development Assistance for ‘Bridging’ Social Cohesion. With Timothy Sisk, Professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies.

P-verdien – En kilde til forståelse og misforståelse i statistikk

Med Are Hugo Pripp (Oslo Senter for biostatistikk og epidemiologi og professor II ved HiOA) og Henrik Bentsen (stipendiat, UiB).

Corporate Criminal Enforcement in the United States

Using Negotiated Settlements to Turn Corporate Criminals In to Corporate Cops. With Jennifer Arlen, Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Program on Corporate Compliance and Enforcement, NYU Law.

The Politics of Researching Sexual and Gender Minorities

Pierre Brouard, Deputy Director, The Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender, University of Pretoria.

Walls and Fences: A History of Protection?

The progressive fortification and militarization of borders signals a new phase in the history of the nation state and sovereignty struggles. With Antonio De Lauri (CMI) and Elina Troscenko (UiB) in conversation with Siri Gloppen (LawTransform/UiB/CMI).

Leaving No One Behind: The Human Development Report and Political Inequality

Astra Bonini (Policy Specialist, UNDP) will present the 2016 Human Development Report, followed by comments from Graham Teskey (Abt Associates), Endre Stiansen (Senior Research and Policy Advisor at the Oslo Governance Centre) and CMI researchers.

Sami Struggles in Art & Law

The importance of art in the Sami political struggle, and advances made in terms of – and through – rights and law. With Ánde Somby, Sami joik artist and associate professor at the University of Tromsø.


Protests, Power and Sanitary Pads in Uganda. With Svein-Erik Helle (CMI) in conversation with Adrian Jjuko (HRPF-Uganda), Monica Kirya (U4/CMI) and Vibeke Wang (CMI).

Radicalization of Women and Girls in Kenya: Implications for Peace and Security

Linnet Hamasi, guest researcher at Nordic Africa Institute.

China’s Global Interests – Environment and Climate Change

Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr (UiB, NUPI) and Iselin Stensdal (FNI) in conversation with Åse Gilje Østensen (CMI).

LawTransform Film & Open Day

Open Day with a screening of the film “13th” and call for volunteers for Bergen Exchanges 2017.

Trump’s Impact in the World – Integrity, Crime and Corruption

Dr. Nikos Passas, Professor and Co-Director of Institute for Security and Public Policy, Northeastern University.

Bitter Grapes – Profits over rights?

Film, Reflection & Popcorn with panel discussion with Tom Heinemann (writer, director and producer) and Jorge Dahl (Fellesforbundet).

Fake Academia

And Consequences for Academia’s Credibility. With Gry-Ane Lavik, NSD – Norsk senter for forskningsdata AS, Kristina Espeseth, NSD, and Erik Knudsen, The Digital Social Science Core Facility (DIGSSCORE) and UiB, in conversation with Runa Falck Langaas, LawTransform.

Sustainable Development in Africa: Issues and Challenges

Prof. Betty Munbangizi, UKZN, and Prof. Francisco Sozinho Matsinhe, CODESRIA, in conversation with Alberto D. Cimadamore, CROP.

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.