Past events

From Political Economy to Economics: Theory and Ideology

Ben Fine (SOAS, University of London) in conversation with Michael Alvarez (UiB).

Døden forklart

Espen Gamlund (UiB) om døden

Rescuing the rescuers: Challenges in the Mediterranean

Frédéric Penard ( SOS MEDITERRANEE ) in conversation with Jack Olav Herheim ( Doctors without Borders ).

Crimmigration: Criminal Justice and Border Control

Synnøve Jahnsen (Rokkansenteret) on Crimmigration: Criminal Justice and Border Control

Den nye abortdebatten – globale og juridiske perspektiver

Liv Tønnessen (CMI), Hans Fredrik Marthinussen (UiB) og Heidi Thornhill (Haukeland Universitetssykehus) i samtale med Siri Gloppen (UiB/CMI)

Corruption and Communities in South Asia

Open workshop on Corruption and Communities in South Asia

Corruption in Nepal

David Gellner (University of Oxford), Sara Shneiderman (University of British Columbia) in conversation with Jenny Bentley (University of Zurich).

Fra Europa til Afghanistan – barnas perspektiv

Camilla S. Engeset (Redd Barna) i samtale med Arne Strand (CMI) og Jessica Schultz (CMI)

Tverrfaglig juss?

Jørn Jacobsen (UiB) i samtale med Tarjei Ellingsen Røsvoll (Rettspolitisk forening).

The Nobel Peace Prize 2018: Who are the Ezidis?

Michael Stausberg (UiB) and Axel Rudi (UiB) in conversation with Synnøve Bendixsen (UiB).

Reşeba – The Dark Wind

Film screening: Reşeba – The Dark Wind

Climate change. Implications for health and development

Lecture by Gunnar Kvåle (UiB) followed by Q & A

Can Ukraine´s Revolution of Dignity Succeed?

Sergii Leshchenko, Martin Paulsen (Diku) and Kasper Vagle (NHH) in conversation with Åse Gilje Østensen (The Norwegian Naval Academy)

Multi-Resistant Bacteria and the Future of Antibiotics

Sabrina Moyo (UiB) an Hugo Illimar Rekand (UiB) in conversation with Karine Aasgaard Jansen (Umeå University)

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.