A joint initiative between the University of Bergen
and CMI – Chr. Michelsen Institute
Marianne Nerland (UiB) will discuss power relations in refugee camps, and legal recourses available to refugees seeking justice against NGOs
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) work closely with refugees by providing services and assistance. However, refugees might also be subjected to misconduct by NGOs. In such a scenario, how can NGOs be held accountable for wrongful acts?
Marianne Nerland from the Faculty of Law at UiB will present preliminary findings from her PhD project which explores legal recourses available to refugees seeking justice against NGOs. By drawing on interviews conducted with refugees as well as aid workers in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, Nedland argues that there are serious legal obstacles that refugees face when wanting to file complaints against NGOs. This study highlights the need for an enhanced structure for NGO accountability in refugee camps.
A light lunch will be served.
All welcome!
Photo credit: Tom Albinson, Flickr