Past events

Accountability for Human Rights Violations by NGOs

Marianne Nerland (UiB) will discuss power relations in refugee camps, and legal recourses available to refugees seeking justice against NGOs

Will India re-elect its “strongman”?

Anwesha Dutta (CMI) and Hugo Stokke (CMI) in conversation with Aslaug Aarsæther (UiB) on what’s at stake in the world’s largest election.

Etterlyst: Thunberg-effekten i akademia

De voksne har sviktet med tanke på å sikre en bærekraftig klode for fremtidige generasjoner. Hvilket ansvar har akademia, spør Arne Johan Vetlesen, professor i filosofi ved UiO og sterkt engasjert i klimadebatten.

Do migrants have equal rights to health care?

Maria Del Mar Gonzales Hermosa in conversation with Esperanza Diaz (UiB/NAKMI) and Henriette Sinding Aasen (UiB).

Brexit: deal or no deal?

Breakfast Forum conversation with Sissel Rosland (HVL), Hakan Sicakkan (UiB), moderated by Kjetil Evjen (UiB).

Samarbeid med Kina

Rolf Bjerkvig (UiB) og Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr (UiB/NUPI) i samtale med Aslaug Aarsæther (UiB).

Film screening: «Retablo» (Peru)

Film screening followed by a conversation with Camila Gianella (CMI) from Lima through Skype.

How to clean an election

Professor Nic Cheeseman (University of Birmingham) in conversation with Svein-Erik Helle (UiB).

Gender quotas on the rise – polarization or parity?

Marianne Tøraasen (CMI) in conversation with Ruth Rubio-Marin (European University Institute), UiB), Ragnhild L. Muriaas (UiB) and Pilar Domingo (Overseas Development Institute).

Protection elsewhere: the scope for safe return

Jessica Schultz (CMI) in conversation with Jan-Paul Brekke (ISF) and Jeff Crisp (Oxford)

Sanctuary in the City? Assisting Urban Refugees in 21st Century

A roundtable conversation with Tine Gade (Nupi), Dlawer Aladeen (MERI), Nasser Yassin (AUB), Ahmet Içduygu (Koch U), Synne Bergby (UN-Habitat), Jeff Crisp (Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford), Alexander Betts (Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford). Chairs: Are John Knudsen and Sarah Tobin

Lunsj-samtale: Flyktningkrisen i Mellom-Amerika

Padre Melo (Raftoprisvinner 2015) og Per Ranestad (seniorrådgiver i Norsk Folkehjelp) i samtale med Tomas Salem (UiB).

Conservative Backlash in Europe: the networks behind

Screening of the documentary “Abortion: Backlash in Europe” followed by a conversation between Neil Datta ( European Parliamentary Forum), Marit Skivenes (UiB/HVL) and Siri Gloppen (UiB).

Are global human rights eroding?

Breakfast conversation with Hanne Sophie Greve (Gulating Lagmannsrett) followed by a discussion with Lise Rakner (UiB), Jackie Dugard ( Wits School of law), Elin Skaar (CMI) and Siri Gloppen (UiB).

National environmental disasters: cases from Norway and Brazil

Lecture by Stella Emery Santana ( Indiana University) followed by a discussion with Sigrid Eskeland Schütz (UiB).

Migratory Horizons: Expectations of Migration in Senegal

Conversation with Knut Graw ( Kathlieke Universiteit Leuven).

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.