Past events

CANCELLED! Poland explained

Poland’s Pathologies as an Expression of International Revolutions of Dignity?
Nina Witoszek (UiO)

Movie screening «Los Lobos»

Marthe Engedahl (UNICEF)

Korrupsjon forklart

Guro Slettemark (Transparency International Norge)

Ocean change – What happens to inhabitants of submerged islands?

Joanna Siekiera, postdoctoral fellow on the Mare Nullius Project, University of Bergen.

Labour and Corbyn’s miseries

Øivind Bratberg (UiO)

Polen – Når rettsstaten svikter

Wiggo Storhaug Larssen (Lagdommer i Gulating lagmannsrett og Leder i den norske dommerforening), Malgorzata Agnieszka Cyndecka (UiB), Eirik Holmøyvik (UiB) og Terje Einarsen (UiB).

Overvåkingskapitalismen som demokrati-utfordring

Dag Elgesem, Anja Salzmann og Anders Johansen (alle UiB).

Film screening: Africa’s Last Absolute Monarchy

The film screening will be followed by a discussion between political activist Bheki Dlamini and producer Tom Heinemann.

Annual Lecture on Rights of Indigenous Peoples

NOTE: This event takes place at the Faculty of Law (Auditorium 4)

Pigga Keskitalo (UH)

Panel Astri Andresen (UiB), Eirik Larsen (the Sámi Parliament), Kai Grieg (UN association of Norway) and Øyvind Ravna (UiT). Chair Siri Gloppen (CMI-UIB).

The social (human) sciences and the SDGs in the Anthropocene

NOTE: This event takes place at the Academic Quater (Kvarteret)

Eira Garrido (UiB) , Tone Fløtten (Fafo), Dan Banik (UiO), Lillian M. Baltzrud (NFR) , Carolyn Medel-Anonuevo (UNESCO), Alfredo Brillembourg (U-TT) in conversation with Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (UiB)

Bark or bite? Meet Norway’s human rights watchdog: NIM

Adele Matheson Mestad (NIM Director)

Money, Power and Representation in a Gender Perspective

Gretchen Bauer (University of Delaware), Ragnhild L. Muriaas (UiB), Rainbow Murray (Queen Mary University of London), Vibeke Wang (CMI), Magnus Öhman (International Foundation for Electoral Systems)

Komplekse problem, spesialiserte kunnskapar: Kva må gjerast?

Gunnar Skirbekk (UiB) og Nils Gilje (OsloMet) om kunnskapen vi treng for å handtere de store utfordringane verden står overfor.

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.