Past events

Webinar: Korona, helseprioriteringer og døden

Espen Gamlund (Institutt for filosofi, UiB), Ingrid Miljeteig (Bergen senter for etikk og prioritering, UiB) og Inger Lise Teig (Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin, UiB).

Webinar: Barn i “lockdown”: Utfordrer korona-tiltakene barns rettigheter?

Marianne Minde (Kirkens Bymisjon), Monica Sydgård (Redd Barna) og Jenny Krutzinna (Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism / UiB).

CANCELLED! Patterns of polarization and its consequences for democracy

Jennifer McCoy (Georgia State University) in conversation with Michael Alvarez (UiB).

The event is cancelled as a measure to prevent corona virus infection!

CANCELLED: Whistleblowing in cases of Corporate Criminal Liability

Author Bradley C. Birkenfeld ( Lucifer’s Banker: The Untold Story of How I Destroyed Swiss Bank Secrecy), in conversation with Birthe Eriksen (BI) and Tina Søreide (NNH).

CANCELLED: SDG 10: Ulikhetens årsaker og konsekvenser

Kjetil Jakobsen (Nord universitet) og møteleder Tor Halvorsen (UiB)

CANCELLED: Fresh from the Field: Reflections on Fieldwork Interviews

Marianne Tøraasen (CMI), Lisa-Marie Selvik (UiB), Espen Stokke (UiB) and Salla Turunen (CMI).

CANCELLED! Poland explained

Poland’s Pathologies as an Expression of International Revolutions of Dignity?
Nina Witoszek (UiO)

Movie screening «Los Lobos»

Marthe Engedahl (UNICEF)

Korrupsjon forklart

Guro Slettemark (Transparency International Norge)

Ocean change – What happens to inhabitants of submerged islands?

Joanna Siekiera, postdoctoral fellow on the Mare Nullius Project, University of Bergen.

Labour and Corbyn’s miseries

Øivind Bratberg (UiO)

Polen – Når rettsstaten svikter

Wiggo Storhaug Larssen (Lagdommer i Gulating lagmannsrett og Leder i den norske dommerforening), Malgorzata Agnieszka Cyndecka (UiB), Eirik Holmøyvik (UiB) og Terje Einarsen (UiB).

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.