Researching Intersectionality of Gender, Ability, Class & Caste

19.08.2020 17:00 - English

Satang Nabaneh (University of Pretoria), Liv Tønnessen (CMI), Carmeliza Rosario (UiB), and Jayna Kothari (CLPR).

Women are created equal, but some women are more equal than others. Attention to gender and ways in which social inequalities are gendered have been emancipatory, in society and in research. The same is true for race, disability, and other markers of social inequality. But it is increasingly being acknowledged that we need to understand and acknowledge the ways in which these interact to create disadvantage within disadvantage. But how do we do this in practice in our research.

Watch the webinar on YouTube.

Roundtable with

Satang Nabaneh
(University of Pretoria),

Liv Tønnessen

Carmeliza Rosario

Jayna Kothari

Photo from Wallpaper Flare

Go to webpage

Event info.

Bergen Global
Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen

Add to calendar 19.08.2020, 19.08.2020

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.