Threats to the independence of the judiciary – cross-regional perspectives

23.08.2016 21:00 - English

This seminar is part of The 2016 Bergen Exchanges on Law & Social Transformation.

Courts are growing increasingly powerful all over the world. While independent and robust courts can secure democratic governance and protect citizens’ rights and wellbeing, dependent and weak judiciaries exacerbate injustice and inequality.

Courts have validated – and prohibited – presidential re-elections in Latin America; supported – and condemned – military coups in Asia; enforced – and sanctioned – asylum practices in Europe; and legalized – or criminalized – same-sex relations in Africa.

Even though the lack of judicial independence and integrity for a long time has been on the agenda in fragile democracies; there is an increasing interest on this topic also in consolidated democracies. What are the similarities between fragile and consolidated democracies with regard to the threats to judicial independence? How different are problems of judicial corruption and lack of independence? Which are the most common strategies whereby politicians seek to manipulate the judiciary? And how can this situation be improved in the future

Introduction by

Andrea Castagnola
in dialogue with

Roberto Gargarella

Edge Kanyongolo

Sofie Schütte

Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde
who will share their experience and knowledge from Latin American, Scandinavian and African cases.

See full program for
2016 Bergen E

xchanges on Law & Social Transformation here.

Event info.

Bergen Global
Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen

Add to calendar 23.08.2016, 23.08.2016

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.