2016 Bergen Exchanges on Law & Social Transformation

22.08.2016 - 26.08.2016 17:00 - English

Welcome to
Centre on Law & Social Transformations annual seminar
Bergen Exchanges at Bergen Resource Centre for International Development.

Public Sessions:

Monday 22 August: Inequality & the Law

09:30-10:15: Key Note Address by
Roberto Gargarella: “Can courts pursue social justice while respecting democracy? Place: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Jekteviksbakken 31

10:30-12:00: 2016 Chr. Michelsen Prize Lecture by
Francesca Jensenius: “Can Electoral Quotas Advance Social Justice – and How Do We Know?” Place: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Jekteviksbakken 31

11:00-12:00: Roundtable: Researching law & (in)equality

12:30-13:30: Who benefits from speech rights?

19:00-20:00: Can law heal? Legal determinants of inequalities in health

Tuesday 23 August: Sexual & Reproductive Rights Lawfare

09:00-10:45: Identity, politics & law in global battles over homosexuality

11:00-12:10: Criminalizing immorality: how to study political drivers?

12:20-13:30: Studying health effects of criminal law

14:30-15:30: Measuring Child Rights in Norway

19:00-20:00: Threats to the independence of the judiciary – cross-regional perspectives

Wednesday 24 August:

09:00-10:30: Responsible evidence appraisal by
Jeroen van der Sluijs

10:45-12:00: Assessing socio-economic effects of incarceration

12:15-13:30: Trans-gender lawfare

14:30-15:30: Building databases for empirical legal studies

18:00-19:30: Annual Lecture on Law & Social Transformation by
Charles Epp: “What makes Climate-Change Litigation effective? Understanding Strategic Litigation Campaigns” Place: Literature House (Auditorium), Østre Skostredet 5-7

Thursday 25 August: Migration & Lawfare

09:00-10:15: Irregular Migrants and Mobilization for Rights

10:30-11:30: Lecture by
Susan Banki: A Theory of Refugee Homeland Activism

12:00-13:30: Mobilizing in Exile: Syrian Refugee and Diaspora Mobilization

14:30-15:30: Precarious rights of LGBT refugees

19:00-20:30: Quo Vadis refugee convention Place: UiB Law School Aud 4, Magnus Lagabøtes Plass 1.

Friday 26 August: Lawfare over Natural Resources

09:00-10:30: Land rights & inclusive sustainable development in India

10:45-12:00: Legal struggles for water and environmental protection in São Paulo and Johannesburg

12:15-13:00: Lecture By
Charles Epp: Racial Disparities in Policing in the United States: Toward Understanding & Reform

Event info.

Bergen Global
Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen

22.08.2016 - 26.08.2016
Add to calendar 22.08.2016, 26.08.2016

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.