Past events

Food and family intervention policies: How are children included?

Welcome to a seminar on the intersection of food and family intervention policies in England.

Policing the Favelas in Rio de Janeiro: Cosmologies of War

Welcome to the book launch of Tomas Salem’s ethnography of the military police in Brazil and its relation to the far-right.

Gendered politics of autocratisation in Africa

How is gender used by populist politicians and autocratic leaders in Africa?

Researching displacement and humanitarian crises

Welcome to a double book launch with Heidi Mogstad and Estella Carpi.

Kan vi regne med støtte fra NATO?

Velkommen til frokostmøte om NATO og stormaktenes militære kapasitet.

Mapping displacement

Welcome to an IMER lunch seminar on modern mapping strategies and displacement.

Kvinnedagen: Selvbestemt abort til uke 18 og avvikling av dagens abortnemnder?

Velkommen til frokostsamtale om reguleringen av abort i Norge og de nylig foreslåtte endringene til Abortutvalget.

The Legacy of Aleksei Navalnyi and the Future of Russian Opposition

How will Russian opposition move on without Navalnyi?

The Red Sea explained: The Houthis, naval forces, and commercial ships

Who are the Houthis? Why do they target merchant ships? How do naval forces protect the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden?

Ten years of Russia’s war against Ukraine

Welcome to a conference on Ukrainian resilience and European cooperation. What are the ways to bring justice domestically and internationally, and why does it matter? Why is European cooperation so important?

Book launch: The Global Lab

Welcome to a book launch with Adam Fejerskov and his book “The Global Lab: Inequality, Technology, and the Experimental Movement”.

Generational Shift in Indonesia?

All you need to know about the upcoming presidential elections in Indonesia.

The Right to a Personal Identity

How has human rights law developed and interpreted the right to a personal identity?

Women, War and Revolutionary Aftermaths in Northeastern Syria

How do Kurdish forces in Syria try to build a new democratic society in the shadow of war?

Krigens folkerett forklart

Krigens folkerett handler om regler i krig. Hvilke vurderinger må partene gjøre før, under og etter en væpnet konflikt?

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.