Film seminar: I am the river, the river is me

23.10.2024 16:30 – 17:30English

Sacred rivers, legal persons and sustainability in the twenty-first century.

Upcoming events


Film seminar: I am the river, the river is me

23.10.2024 16:30 – 17:30

Sacred rivers, legal persons and sustainability in the twenty-first century.

The US presidential election

31.10.2024 08:30 – 09:30

On 5 November, the US is heading to the ballot boxes. What will it take to capture the undecided and mobilise those who usually do not take part in elections?

Lise Rakner Hilmar Mjelde Kyle Lohse Marquardt


Maduro’s Venezuela – hope for democracy and justice?

04.11.2024 12:15 – 13:15

After 11 years as president, Nicolás Maduro claims victory in Venezuela’s election this summer. But so does the opposition.

Sonia Zapata Leiv Marsteintredet José Zurita-Tapia

Cityscape Malaysia

Lawless intimacy and inconsistencies in Malaysian Islamic law

07.11.2024 14:15 – 15:30

State attempts to regulate access to “halal” intimacy may not be as airtight as it seems due to legal ambiguities and loopholes in Islamic law.

Nurul Huda Mohd. Razif


Scandinavian strategies for Africa

12.11.2024 08:30 – 09:30

What are the similarities and differences between Scandinavian policies on Africa?

Lise Rakner Elling Tjønneland Anne Mette Kjær Jan Pettersson

Map of the Jews of the Persian Gulf

Jews of the Persian Gulf: The making of a modern oceanic network

15.11.2024 13:00 – 14:30

Can the Gulf, which is mostly known for its oil resources and Islamic conservatism, also be home to a transnational Jewish past?

Eirik Kvindesland Pelle Valentin Olsen

Did you miss out on these events?

Don’t worry, here you can find recordings and summaries from most of our past evens.


Sexualised Joking and Polygamy in the Malay Corporate Workplace

Gender and power relations, and Islamic understanding of marital and sexual politics in Malaysian Islam, have significantly changed in the past few decades.

Children and Rights to Identity at the European Court of Human Rights

How has human rights law and the European Court of Human Rights developed the right to personal identity?
Sudan map

Who’s Who in the Middle East: War and Humanitarian Disaster in Sudan

For the people of Sudan, nowhere is currently safe.

Palm oil and the struggle for land and citizenship in Indonesia

Welcome to a guest lecture on the conflicts between palm oil companies and rural Indonesians.

En norsk strategi for Afrika

Hva er poenget med en strategi for et kontinent med over 50 land?

Europe’s Digital Agenda: Is the AI Act the Final Act?

Welcome to an international conference in search for common principles and doctrines in Europe’s Digital Agenda.

Who’s Who in the Middle East: The Nuclear Powers

Amid rising instability in the Middle East, are nuclear weapons a security concern?

Ghosts in the Machine: Technology and Imperialism in Maritime Asia

Welcome to a guest lecture with Eric Tagliacozzo.

Media of the Masses: Cassette Culture in Modern Egypt

Welcome to a book talk with historian Andrew Simon.

Bergen Exchanges on Law and Social Transformation 2024

Welcome to a week of public, multi-disciplinary discussions on law and lawfare.

Resituating urban geopolitics: connections and frontiers

Welcome to a guest lecture with James D. Sidaway.

Leveraging AI for anti-corruption: From evidence to impact

AI offers a double-edged sword in anti-corruption efforts, uncovering hidden wrongdoing while potentially enabling new fraud and exacerbating bias. This seminar tackles these challenges, exploring how to harness AI for good in building a more transparent and accountable system.

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.