Our library

Bergen Global houses a large specialised collection of literature on development studies, economics, political science and social anthropology with thematic focus on Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America.

About the library

The Bergen Global library is a research library for development-related subjects, mainly within the social sciences. The main task of the library is to support research at CMI and the University of Bergen.

Our library hosts the Mahmoud Salih Sudan Collection, which makes our Sudan collection one of the most comprehensive of its kind in Europe. Large parts of the collection have been digitalised, and can be found in full-text at Bergen University Library.

Our library also includes the book collection of the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies. This collection is also available for search in Oria.

Accessible for visitors by appointment

The library is accessible for visitors by appointment. You may make an appointment by using the form below. Alternatively, you may search the library collection in Oria and order literature through the library at your institution.

Contact us to make an appointment

To make an appointment, please fill in the form below or send an e-mail to

Contact Us

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.