A joint initiative between the University of Bergen
and CMI – Chr. Michelsen Institute
Brian Raftopolous (Solidarity Peace Trust), Jens Frølich Holte (MFA), Kari Helene Partapouli (The Development Fund), Liv Tørres (Nobel Peace Centre), Lise Rakner (UiB/CMI) in conversation with Svein-Erik Helle (CMI/UiB).
Democracy and key human rights are facing an increasingly hostile climate across the globe. The new Norwegian government has made strengthening human, civil and political rights a key feature of their foreign policy priorities and they point to civil society as a key player in this process. But an important part of the backlash against democracy and human rights is that the space for civil society is closing. We are thus facing a situation where it is increasingly important to cooperate with and promote civil society, but increasingly difficult to do so.
What can international actors to engage and assist in building a civic space in this context? How can they assist in promoting the right civil society voices without them being labelled foreign agents? Should civil society be seen primarily as service providers and work at the individual level, or should we prioritize actors working on advocacy and organizing collective action?
As part of the focus on the closing space for civil society in the Chr. Michelsen Lecture on March 15, 2018, the CMI is organising a conversation on this question with voices from academia, civil society and politicians.
Professor Brian Raftopolous, Zimbabwean scholar and activist, Director of Research and Advocacy in the Solidarity Peace Trust/Ukuthula Trust
State Secretary
Jens Frølich Holte, Norwegian Foreign Ministry
Kari Helene Partapouli, Director, The Development Fund
Liv Tørres, Executive Director, Nobel Peace Centre
Lise Rakner, Professor in Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen, Senior Researcher, CMI
Svein-Erik Bøthun Helle,
Coordinator, Governance and Democracy, Post-Doctoral Researcher, CMI/University of Bergen
Photo: Siri Gloppen
About CMI: https://www.cmi.no