Students in Crisis: Corona Measures under Examination

18.02.2021 15:15 - English

Lubna Jaffery (City Councillor), Oddrun Samdal (Vice Rector for Education, UiB), Sandra Amalie Lid Krumsvik (leader of the Student Parliament), Øystein Sandven (head of Sammen Mental Health) and Simen Bø (student editor-in-chief of Katarsis UiB) in conversation with Ronya Reitan Solberg (UiB Collaboratory).

It is almost a year since the pandemic started affecting our everyday lives, and the local and national authorities began implementing measures to protect our society.

Join the webinar on Zoom.

Particular restrictions regarding students have been put forward and now students world-wide share common experiences. We believe that it is time to examine the measures put forward and take a closer look at their effects.

Did it put students in an (even more) vulnerable position? Or maybe in a less vulnerable one? What has been done exactly, and how has it changed the conditions which we live and study in? What could have been done differently?

Based on our shared experience, what should be kept in mind when moving ahead? How can students become a more defining resource in their own education? In this seminar, we will look at these questions through the perspective of Bergen.

This is the first seminar in our “Students in Crisis”-series, focusing
on how COVID-19 has affected and affects students, and will continue to do so in yet uncertain ways in the future.

The seminar series is a cooperation between UiB Collaboratory, LawTransform, Bergen School of Global Studies and Bergen Global.

Photo by
Houcine Ncib

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Event info.

Bergen Global
Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen

Add to calendar 18.02.2021, 18.02.2021

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.