A joint initiative between the University of Bergen
and CMI – Chr. Michelsen Institute
Yuliia Ansonova (La Strada Ukraine), Kateryna Busol (lawyer), Anna Gopsill (University of London) and Dorothee Alberts (LawTransform)
As war in Ukraine continues to unfold, disturbing accounts of sexual violence and rape perpetrated primarily by Russian and Russian-affiliated soldiers against Ukrainian citizens have been reported. These accounts of sexual violence are grim and widespread and Ukrainian civilians have spoken of experiencing and witnessing harrowing assaults across the country.
In this lunch seminar, the patterns of sexual violence we are witnessing in Ukraine will be discussed. Join us as we hear from researchers and activists about how the violence is being perpetrated, and the work being done to document the violence and help survivors.
Light refreshments will be served.
Yuliia Ansonova from
La Strada Ukraine, a public human rights organisation working to ensure gender equality, peace building, prevention of gender-based violence, including domestic violence, combating human trafficking and ensuring the rights of children, promoting human rights standards in all spheres of society and the state.
Kateryna Busol
is a Ukrainian lawyer specializing in international humanitarian and criminal law. She recently contributed to
the report from the Global Survivors Fund on opportunities for reparations for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence in Ukraine.
Anna Gopsill
, a PhD candidate in Human Rights at the University of London focusing on conflict-related sexual violence against men and boys, is the discussant.
The seminar will be chaired by
Dorothee Alberts
Image: A shelling partially destroyed a block of flats in Obolon district, Kyiv, 14 March 2022. Photo: Oleksandr Ratushniak, UNDP Ukraine, Flickr.
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