A joint initiative between the University of Bergen
and CMI – Chr. Michelsen Institute
Join us for a week full of events on Migration.
The week is organised by CMI, IMER, SKOK and the Faculty of Law at the University of Bergen in cooperation with Bergen Resource Centre.
The world is in a migrant crisis. Millions of people are displaced. People are fleeing war, poverty and oppression in the largest movement of peoples since WWII. The policing of the EUs outer boundary has broken down. Treaties regulating movement, work and asylum have crumbled.
In response, Europe erects new fences and introduces stricter immigration policies. What is at stake and how can it be solved?
When: Monday 24 October, 19.30-21.00
Place: Litteraturhuset, Auditoriet
Lars Petter Gallefoss
(Pandora Film),
Christina Pletten
Frøy Gudbrandsen
(BT, debattleder).
Hvordan påvirkes vi av medienes beskrivelse av flyktninger og migranter? Hvem er de og hva rømmer de fra? I dette seminaret settes søkelyset på medienes representasjon av mennesker på flukt. Er de ofre? Lykkejegere? En trussel mot Europa? Regissør
Lars Petter Gallefoss (Pandora Film) viser klipp fra den kommende NRK-serien Flukt og diskuterer valgene som skal få oss til å forstå, og kanskje forandre vår oppfatning av mennesker på flukt i samtale med journalist
Christina Pletten (Aftenposten), under ledelse av ordstyrer
Frøy Gudbrandsen (BT).
When: Tuesday 25 October, 19.30-21.00
Place: Litteraturhuset, Olav H. Hauge
Susanne Bygnes
(IMER/UiB ),
Åsne Hagen (
OPEN Transformation)
Laila Førsund,
Raed Basha (deltaker i
Ida Marie Støp Meland (initiativtaker INTER), L
awrence Mala Ali (bemanningsbyrået
Serve The People
Marry-Anne Karlsen
(IMER/UiB , debattleder).
Mange tar til orde for at integreringen må starte tidligere. Hvilke muligheter og begrensninger ligger i dagens lovverk og føringer for innovasjon på asyl- og flyktningefeltet?
Panelet består blant annet av sosiolog og migrasjonsforsker
Susanne Bygnes (IMER/UiB) og
Laila Førsund som er antropolog med bakgrunn fra utlendingsforvaltningen. Andre deltagere er
Ida Marie Støp Meland fra INTER (sosialt nettverk for asylsøkere som ønsker å arbeide i frivillig sektor),
Lawrence Mala Ali fra bemanningsbyrået Serve The People og
Åsne Hagen fra OPEN Transformation, en gruppe arkitekter og samfunnsvitere som arbeider med praktiske løsninger på hvordan asylsøkere og lokale kan bo tettere på hverandre, samt
Raed Basha som er deltager i OPEN Transformation’s pilotprosjektet bnbOPEN. Sosialantropolog
Marry-Anne Karlsen (IMER/UiB) kommer til å lede debatten.
Smuggling and trafficking facilitate new journeys towards Europe but often at high costs and great risk to refugees, migrants and trafficked persons alike.
When: Wednesday 26 October, 13.00-15.00
Place: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development
This panel discussion featuring
Luigi Achilli
(European University Institute),
Daniela Debono
(Malmö University) and
Sine Plambech
(DIIS), examines the routes, journeys and trajectories of modern migration and the human cost of transition.
Luigi Achilli
(European University Institute) —
The Nexus: Human Smuggling and Border Control at the time of the Syrian conflict
Daniela Debono
(Marie Curie COFAS Fellow, Malmö University and the EUI) —
A cumulative trumping of human rights: The EU’s ‘first reception’ system for irregularly-arriving maritime migrants
Sine Plambech
(DIIS) —
Between “Victims” and “Criminals”: Rescue, Deportation, and Everyday Violence Among Nigerian Migrants
Migrants and refugees arrive, pass through and settle in diverse sites, and in the process re-create them.
When: Thursday 27 October, 10.00-12.00
Place: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development
This panel discussion featuring
Nando Sigona
(University of Birmingham), Kamel Dorai (Institut français du Proche-Orient) and Evthymios Papataxiarchis (University of the Aegean), examines how the process of emplacement influence solidarity and hospitality and the making of humanitarian governance from below.
(University of Birmingham) —
Emplacing the refugee crisis: the shifting governance of boat migration in the Central Mediterranean
Kamel Dorai
(Institut français du Proche-Orient) —
Settlement strategies of Syrian refugees in Jordan. A compared study between housing in camps and self-settled neighbourhoods
University of the Aegean
) —
ontesting Humanitarian Governance: Ethnographic notes on the impact of the ‘European refugee crisis’ in a Northern Aegean village community
Refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons need, but are often denied, international legal protection.
When: Friday 28 October, 10.00-12.00
Place: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development
This panel discussion featuring
Michel Agier (EHESS),
Ilse van Liempt (Utrecht University) and
Dallal Stevens (University of Warwick), examines the role of cities and camps in providing novel forms of refuge and the need to explore new forms of protection for arriving migrants.
Michel Agier
New thoughts about the Stateless place: Calais, its camp, its migrants
Ilse van Liempt
Utrecht University) —
Welcoming cities? Balancing rights and responsibilities towards asylum seekers at the local level
Dallal Stevens
(University of Warwick) —
How the Middle East is changing the meaning of “protection”