From fear to trust – enabling and protecting whistleblowers

21.03.2023 10:30 - 12:00English

Birthe Eriksen (ADI Advokater AS), Bernt Oddgeir H. Nilsen (Forensic & Integrity Services, EY), Svend Thorleif Skjønsberg (Norad), Mark Worth (Whistleblowing International) and Guillaume Nicaise (U4, CMI).

This discussion will especially be of interest to development practitioners from aid agencies and NGOs, public and private sector compliance and integrity officers, academic and research sector managers.

Join in person at Bergen Global, or register to participate online on Microsoft Teams – all interested are welcome!

The panel debate will cover how to develop a reliable whistleblowing system that protects those who report wrongdoing. With the new EU directive on whistleblowing, organisations with more than 50 employees will have to establish reporting channels by December 2023.

We’ll discuss how to adapt to this new legal framework and create a system that works for everyone, especially those who may be vulnerable. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and engage in the conversation!

We aim to cover the following issues, and the audience can ask questions:

Effective whistleblowing channels – what requirements do organisations have to comply with? How can we ensure that relevant people know how and where to report?

Managing whistleblowing reports – what are the main challenges for organisations dealing with whistleblowing cases. What does a well-functioning system for investigating cases look like?

Protecting people who blow the whistle – How do we make sure the reporting channels serve whistleblowers’ needs. What are ways to build trust and encourage reporting, as well to give support and protect against retaliation. Are there special considerations for particularly vulnerable groups?

The speakers

Birthe Eriksen is a lawyer in Bergen for ADI Advokater AS with a PhD on reporting and whistleblowing. Eriksen has provided legal assistance for whistleblowers and organisations in a large number of cases in Norway. In addition, she has extensive experience as a researcher and lecturer, in particular at Oslo Met.

Bernt Oddgeir H. Nilsen is a Senior Manager for Forensic & Integrity services at EY Norway, and based in Oslo. Nilsen has a proven track record in identifying and addressing financial and operational risk areas within organisations, leading investigation teams and enhancing internal risk management strategies.

Svend Thorleif Skjønsberg is the Head of Internal Audit and Investigations at Norad in Oslo and has extensive experience from in the area of public sector good governance, integrity and anti-corruption, including from Riksrevisjonen – Norway’s Office of the Auditor General.

Mark Worth is the Executive Director of Whistleblowing International and has over 30 years’ experience advocating for whistleblowers’ rights. Worth has established and led several NGOs including Whistleblowing International, the European Center for Whistleblower Rights and the Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection.


Event info.

Bergen Global
Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen

10:30 - 12:00
Add to calendar 21.03.2023, 21.03.2023

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.