En norsk strategi for Afrika

11.09.2024 08:30 - 09:30Norsk

Hva er poenget med en strategi for et kontinent med over 50 land?

Utenriksdepartementet presenterte sin Afrikastrategi i august, etter over et år med dialogmøter med alle som mener noe om Norges engasjement i Afrika. Hva er poenget med en strategi for et kontinent med over 50 land?

Afrika byr på velfungerende demokratier og økonomisk vekst og velstand, men også krig, konflikt, menneskerettighetsbrudd og den verste humanitære krisen i verden.

Vil strategien bidra til en ny giv for norsk engasjement på det afrikanske kontinent? Svarer den på virkelige behov og lokale ønsker eller handler dette først og fremst om norske interesser?

Lise Rakner (UiB), Elling Tjønneland (CMI) og Lovise Aalen (CMI) tar oss gjennom Norges nye Afrikastrategi.

Ta en kikk på strategien og kom til frokost!


Praktisk info.

Bergen Global
Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen

08:30 - 09:30
Legg i kalender 11.09.2024, 11.09.2024

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Lise Rakner
Professor, Department of Government, UiB

Political scientist focusing on democratisation and human rights, economic reform, taxation, institutional change and international aid, with a particular emphasis on Southern and Eastern Africa.

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Elling Tjønneland
Senior Researcher, CMI

Elling Tjønneland is a senior researcher and has worked on different aspects of developments in South Africa since the late 1970s.

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Lovise Aalen
Research Professor, CMI

Political scientist focusing on democracy, governance and women's employment and empowement in the Horn of Africa

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Lise Rakner

Professor, Department of Government, UiB

Political scientist focusing on democratisation and human rights, economic reform, taxation, institutional change and international aid, with a particular emphasis on Southern and Eastern Africa.

See personal profile.

Elling Tjønneland

Senior Researcher, CMI

Elling Tjønneland is a senior researcher and has worked on different aspects of developments in South Africa since the late 1970s.

See personal profile.

Lovise Aalen

Research Professor, CMI

Political scientist focusing on democracy, governance and women's employment and empowement in the Horn of Africa

Lovise Aalen has researched Ethiopian politics for the last two decades. She has focused on the implementation of ethnic federalism, the EPRDF’s ideas of revolutionary democracy and the developmental state, regime-youth interactions, and female political participation in authoritarian contexts.

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.