A joint initiative between the University of Bergen
and CMI – Chr. Michelsen Institute
In this seminar - which is part of the Bergen Exchanges on Law & Social Transformation - we will discuss the criminal regulation of sex, gender and reproduction across countries, and how human rights actors can think differently about recourse to criminal law as a remedy for violations. Among the issues to be discussed is gestational surrogacy.
In all societies there are laws regulating sexuality and reproduction. The appropriateness of the laws are often the centre of heated debates – as demonstrated during the
The special rapporteur report on the sale and exploitation of children, in her report on surrogacy earlier this year concludes that commercial surrogacy is baby selling (
http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/HRC/37/60) This
is a view shared by many (Nordic) feminists who view surrogacy as no different than prostitution and want it criminalized and abolished – others see it as a reproductive right. The discussion will be introduced by Mindy Roseman based on her forthcoming co-edit volume Beyond Virtue and Vice: Rethinking Human Rights and Criminal Law (University of of Pennsylvania Press, Jan 2019)
Mindy Roseman (Director of International Programs and of the Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women’s Rights, Yale Law School)
Jørn Jacobsen (Professor of Law, University of Bergen)
Christine Jacobsen (Professor of Anthropology at UiB and head of SKOK center for gender research)