A joint initiative between the University of Bergen
and CMI – Chr. Michelsen Institute
Family planning and the future of fertility in Asia.
Centre on Law & Social Transformation presents:
Stuart Gietel-Basten
, Associate Professor at the University of Oxford, in conversation with
Ragnhild Muriaas (Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Politics, UiB).
While most developed Asian (and many European countries) are very concerned with prolonged low fertility, China anticipates a baby boom after lifting its two-child policy. Gietel-Basten will discuss how this is based on an incorrect view of what the one-child policy actually was and did; and will demonstrate similarities between China and other settings characterised by very low fertility. Under these conditions the impact of the policy change may be muted. He will consider the empirical and theoretical implications of the transition to very low fertility in resource-poor settings, and what this could mean for demography and development.
Associate Professor Stuart Gietel-Basten from the University of Oxford is a guest at this year`s Christie`s conference. His research interests focus on the interaction between population dynamics and social policy in Asia. Other key areas of research include demographic research in east Asia, social policy in developing countries and fertility change.
All are welcome!
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