The Politics of Inequality and the Rise of the Illiberal Right

24.04.2024 14:00 - 16:00English

Welcome to the annual GRIP Lecture with Walden Bello — activist, academic, journalist and writer.

Walden Bello

The second annual GRIP Lecture will be given by international sociologist, Walden Bello. The event is free and without registration.

Walden Bello is renowned for his insightful analysis of the politics of inequality. He is a longstanding leader of the policy think-tank ‘Focus on the Global South’ and the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a professorship in sociology at the State University of New York at Binghamton University (SUNY), and has been actively involved in progressive political movements in the Philippines and on the global stage.

Note that the event takes place in Ulrikes aula (and on Zoom).

GRIP’s annual symposium will be held the following day.

Read more about the event

Event info.

Professor Keysers gate 1
Ulrikes aula (Ulrikke Pihls hus) and Zoom

14:00 - 16:00
Global Research Programme on Inequality (GRIP) Add to calendar 24.04.2024, 24.04.2024

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Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.