A joint initiative between the University of Bergen
and CMI – Chr. Michelsen Institute
Hakan Gurcan Sicakkan (UiB), Jeffry Staton (Emory University), Jessica Schultz (UiB) and Edgar Cordova (Ciesas, Mexico).
Lives of migrants and refugees are radically marked by law and its absence – they have far weaker and more precarious legal protections than citizens while being subject to harsher restrictions and controls. Increasing politicisation of migration has further eroded legal protections, both at domestic and international level and harnessed the cruelty of the law, and the question of how refugees and migrants can be better protected in the current conditions is one of the big questions of our time. This roundtable will present research aiming to understanding the dynamics and impacts of the law as it relates to migrants and refugees – and possibly contribute to change. And we will discuss how the Covid19 pandemic affects their research – and conditions on the ground.
Roundtable with
Hakan Gurcan Sicakkan
Jeffry Staton
(Emory University),
Jessica Schultz
(UiB) and Edgar Cordova (Ciesas, Mexico).
Photo by Adolfo Félix on Unsplash
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