![Bergen Global](https://bergenglobal.no/wp-content/uploads/bergenglobal-logo-circle.png)
A joint initiative between the University of Bergen
and CMI – Chr. Michelsen Institute
With (tbc*), Lise Rakner (UiB), Leo Arriola (UC Berkely), Getnet Tadele (University of Addis Abeba), Adrian Jjuko (Univeristy of Pretoria/Hrapf), Alan Msosa (Universty of York), Ayo Sogunro (Univeristy of Pretoria), Rudo Chigudu (Univeristy of Pretoria). Chair: Malcolm Langford (UiO).
What is driving the political attention to homosexuality or “gayism” (meaning any form of non-heteronormative sexual orientation and gender identity) in contemporary African politics? Why is the focus so strongly on criminal law as the means to guard against this “ western affliction”? And how can we establish the effects of this politicisation and criminalization? This roundtable present findings from the LawTransform research projects on “Political Determinants of sexual and reproductive health in Africa” and “Sexual and Reproductive rights Lawfare: Global Battles”.
This event is part of the Bergen Exchanges on Law and Social Transformation and is free and open to all. For more information:
https://www.lawtransform.no/event/criminalisation-of-queer-sexuality-political-drivers-and-health-effects/(Photo: Daniel Dudek, Flickr)